
Condition/Validator examples

Issue field

Check if the string field matches a certain criteria

the key of the issue is "WR-100"
the type of the issue is not "Bug"
the summary of the issue starts with "Production"
the description of the issue contains "workflow rules"

Check the status is “To Do“ or “In Progress“

the status of the issue is "To Do" 
or the status of the issue is "In Progress"

Check if the priority of the issue is not high

the priority of the issue is not "High"

Check if the resolution of the issue is not done

the priority of the issue is "Done"

Check if the estimate is more than a specific value

the estimate of the issue is more than 100

Check if the due date is before/after a specific date

the due date of the issue is after 2019-11-30
the due date of the issue is before 2019-12-31

Custom field

Check if the custom field exists

CF[12345] is present
CF[12345] is not present

Check if the custom field (single value) equals to a value.

CF[12345] is "test"
CF[12345] is not "test"

Check if the custom field (multiple select) contains a value.

CF[12345] contains "test"
CF[12345] does not contain "test"

Parent issue

Check if the parent issue exists or not

the parent issue is present 

Check the fields of the parent issue

the type of the parent issue is "Bug"


Check if all subtasks are done

all of the subtasks match (the status of this subtask is "Done")

Check if any subtask is still in “To Do” status

any of the subtasks match (the status of this subtask is "To Do")

Linked issue

Check if all blocking issues are done

all of the issues linked with "blocks" match (the status of this linked issue is "Done")

Check if any blocked issue has priority of “Major“

any of the issues linked with "is blocked by" match (the priority of this linked issue is "Major")

Validate none of the blocking issues are in the status of “To Do“ or “In Progress”

none of the issues linked with "is blocked by" match
	(the status of this linked issue is "To Do" or the status of this linked issue is "In Progress")


Check if the issue is assigned

the assignee is present

Check the account id of the current user

the account id of the current user is "xxx"

Check the full name of the creator

the display name of the creator is "Joe Johnson"


Check the name of the current project

the name of the project is "Test Project"

Check the key of the current project

the key of the project is "Test Project"

Complex condition

Check both the status and resolution have the expected value

the status of the issue is "Done"
and the resolution of the  issue is "Fixed"

Check either the status or resolution have the expected value

the status of the issue is "Done"
or the resolution of the  issue is "Fixed"

Check if resolution is specified only when the status is done

the status of the issue is not "Done"
the resolution of the issue is present

Server specific

Specify a custom error message when validation does not pass

the description of the issue is not blank
    otherwise "description is not specified"
Last modified October 18, 2020